
Meditation Plus (Group)

This objective of this four, eight, or twelve week group is for participants to learn how to achieve a calmer, less stressed “inner self” from learning how to meditate independently. The ultimate goal of meditation is to experience a physical, emotional, and behavioral sense of well-being in a non-threatening, non-judgmental, and self-affirming manner.

Each session is comprised of two components:

  1. The presentation of a topic that relates to senior life; and

  2. The presentation of guided meditation techniques. Participant comments and ideas are always encouraged: Some of the topics to be included:

  • Ageism

  • Letting Go of Regrets

  • Fears

  • Coping with Disappointments

  • Healing Aspects of Crying

  • Healing Aspects of Laughter

  • Balancing Personal Life with Care-Giving